CBD Oil Benefits for Men

Hey there manly lovers of all things oil. Today I am going to discuss another type of oil – CBD oil – or more importantly, the CBD Oil uses and CBD Oil benefits for men. CBD oil, also known as Hemp Oil, has been popping up in my research more and more lately leading me to put down the old Black Spruce and have a closer look.

It turns out that the use of CBD oil is absolutely booming. It’s becoming more and more popular as countries around the world become more accepting via the legalization and legislation of this form of natural medicine. In some countries such as the U.S. you can even purchase it via traditional retail outlets and drug stores. In others, online sales are the way to go. So let’s check it out…

Diamond CBD

What is CBD Oil?

CBD (or Cannabidiol) is one of two dominant compounds found within the marijuana/hemp plant. The other major compound is delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It’s the one that creates the “high” commonly associated with the smoking of the leaves and buds. CBD oils are processed from hemp varieties that do not contain THC hence are not mind altering. Also, according to the World Health Organization, CBD oils show no proof “indicative of any abuse or dependence potential”. As in, they are not addictive.

Like essential oils, as popularity has increased over the past few years, some outlandish and as yet unproven statements are often made as to its medical and healing abilities. However, unlike essential oils, much more valid research is being undertaken with favorable results which has culminated recently in the U.S. FDA approving its first ever cannabis based medicine as a treatment for some forms of epilepsy.

Read more: Want to know the difference between Hemp Oil, Hemp Seed Oil and Cannabis Essential Oil? Read this article about The Benefits and Uses of Cannabis Essential Oil

The law of the land

Many countries around the world still do not recognize it as a safe medicinal product, or even as a legal one. However, CBD oil is not considered dangerous or mind altering. Perhaps that’s one of the main reasons for such an interest into the research of this product.

So on that note, it is definitely worthwhile being aware of some of the jurisdictional legal implications. If you plan to purchase or use this product, document yourself on local regulation. For example, where I live in Australia, CBD oil (and other medical marijuana programs) are strictly monitored. It can only be accessed via a few centralized government initiatives. It is also illegal to import it to Australia (although this is changing I believe). The U.S. manages it on a state by state basis. Some states allow CBD Oil to be sold openly without a prescription whilst others ban it altogether. Canada allows recreational Cannabis however does not allow some other medicinal uses.

What are the CBD Oil benefits for men?

As usual, unless it has been openly researched and proven, I have steered clear of any reference to its uses for severe or serious medical issues. But to be honest, from what I am reading I do expect to be updating this post regularly. New uses and benefits come to life or are approved by world medical bodies and administrators. So, will all that in mind, let’s run through some of the benefits of CBD oil in the world of men:

CBD Oil uses for Men - vape pen

Note: As per all other posts on this site, the benefits of the product highlighted are aimed at dealing with minor symptoms only. Should your issues be major, or long-lasting please consult a medical professional. Many manufacturers also recommend speaking with a medical professional prior to using any CBD based products.

Pain relief and CBD Oil

Whilst the results of studies on humans has been mixed, one of the major proposed uses of CBD oil is for pain relief. The most common research for this type of treatment is in arthritis patients. However there is also some minor proof of its use for muscle and joint pain due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties. I also have it on good authority that a massage with CBD Oil cream is an extremely worthwhile experience.

Reduce Stress with CBD

Another common use for this product is dealing with stress related issues. Initially, the use of cannabis was prescribed for stress and mental health related issues. It was via the full-blown high inducing THC laden product. More recently however, CBD oils have been found to greatly reduce stress without the potential dependency issues of THC strands.

CBD Oil Benefits for Men - Hemp oil drops

It should be noted that major studies are underway in the use of this product for mental issues such as depression as well as anxiety and insomnia with some promising, if not cautious, results.

CBD Oil Benefits for the Skin

When we discuss skin and manliness, we are usually talking about one of two things… Shaving rash and acne. I haven’t found much about this product assisting with soothing the old man dermis. However for acne, it is apparently the bomb!

Read more: Essential Oils for Shaving – A Man versus Oils Mansperiment

CBD Oil shares the same anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial compounds as some of its essential oil cousins. They are after all plant based and distilled in a similar fashion. So it makes sense that it could be good for this purpose – and maybe for the shaving rash after all. Research into this has mainly focused on the compounds mentioned here with initial favorable results.

CBD and Libido

Now this is an interesting one as when I was younger, the stoner friends of mine used to complain that if they smoked too much weed then they tended to have some … ummmm… issues in the bedroom. However, in my research I have found the promotion of CBD oil use for this purpose raised so much that I just had to include it.

Most of the comment however is not based on your little soldier as much as you would think rather some of the benefits we have already discussed. Things like stress relief, greater amounts of sleep and less muscle pain all contribute to more interest in those special mummy and daddy cuddles.

Diamond CBD

How do I use CBD?

There are a number of ways and means of using this product which is mainly determined via the issue you are attempting to relieve. However, many manufacturers provide the following products:


CBD Oil is usually packaged with a dropper to allow for internal consumption within drinks or food. It can be administered topically on the usual pressure points such as the wrists, temples or behind the ears. Use it in this manner to deal with stress, insomnia or libido.

CBD Oil based creams

CBD Oil is mixed with carrier oil creams (usually coconut oil or Shea butter) as well as essential oils and vitamins for pain relief and massage. Some companies also incorporate this into a cold spray for at-the-time injury management. These creams are also effective for acne and maybe even shaving rash.

Vape oil

Vaping is the inhalation of CBD based liquids via the use of a vaping machine or pen. It is essentially like smoking without the harmful smoke. It’s an effective way to ingest CBD oils as it is released directly into the blood stream. It is used in this manner to assist with stress related issues. I have also seen it promoted in this fashion as pain relief for headaches. However I cannot find any evidential proof for this.

Gummies, not for kids

CBD laced gel lollies (like gummy bears) that you eat. Designed to meet the same purposes as vaping via ingestion. Some companies also sell oils in this fashion via CBD oil capsules.

Bath Bombs with CBD Oil

This page is probably too manly for these but we have discussed the man bath in the past. Drop one in as a nice stress reliever. And if I have to guess, this might be a good one to assist with any libido based issues too.

Are there CBD Oil Benefits for Pets?

Yep, all the same stuff above, but for your pets. Pets also experience pain and stress. There are more and more studies proving it. CBD Oil helps them with those two issues. Concerning pets libido and CBD, …ummmm… I am not sure about this one.

How much CBD Oil do I use?

As with everything, this will vary from person to person. I strongly suggest however following the manufacturer recommendation on the pack.


So there you have it, an initial outline of the benefits of CBD Oil for men. As I have said earlier, this product is being actively trialed (and in some places prescribed) for so many ailments such as mental illness, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and of course epilepsy. I will definitely be keeping an eye on this and updating this post regularly as more research comes to light.

However, in the short term, there are certainly some basic benefits here that can give you some good chemical free relief and calmness. Have you tried CBD Oil? Do you find it useful? Are there any other uses for it in your world? If you answered yes to any other these questions, I would love to hear about it below. If not, comment anyway. haha.

Until next time

Have fun


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My name is Paul and I live on the east coast of Australia with my wife and six year old son. I also have 19 and 23 year old daughters. I am an ex government and bank worker who took a bit of a sea change and opened my own business by the beach with my amazing wife. If you can do it, try it. You will never look back. You want to know more about me, read my About Me page

13 thoughts on “CBD Oil Benefits for Men”

  1. I have been looking out on reviews related to the cbd oil, and I have trust in it and I believe sometime later our government will approve it. I always wanted to get some of the cbd oil but I am unlucky, is there any other way someone can access if the product is not approved in their country,? Or maybe a tutorial on how to extract the cbd oil from the natural plant, kindly help me out if you may be having a solution to my problem.

    Thank you.

    • Hey Joy,

      It is a problem for many countries and unfortunately not usually one that you can work around as in many cases even owning a plant is illegal.  My advice is to keep an eye out in your own country and see when what is happening there.  Maybe reach out to local politicians with your case?


    • You could perhaps try black seed oil, which also works on the endocannabinoid system, but has no THC and is available worldwide.

  2. Cbd oil is growing business. Though many countries still don’t allow it’s commercialization, but those are fully in it are making a killing.  This is great post I really like the way the information was transmitted. I believe Cbd oil has many benefits on the health, but this is a new product. Ithe has been around for a while tho, but there’s more to discover about this product. Even though some people praise its benefits on the health. I think we shouldn’t abuse, because Ias I said this is new product. We need much time to really know it can really do on people health. 

    • Hey Randy

      You are right, the stigma around this product is still high in many countries.  I just hope the research can keep up with the claims.  

      thanks for your comments


  3. Thank you for your post. I heard about CBD, but am not clear about that CBD has so many good functions for men.

    I am closing to 60 years old and have very stress job. I have a lot of issues in my life, such as anxiety, bad sleep in the night, back pain, and reduced libido etc. It is very nice to see that CBD has the potential to relieve all the illness I have. This is that one stone kills many birds.

    I am gong to purchase CBD. To the problems I have, what kind of CBD is best for me? It is kind of you sharing this very useful information with us.

    • Hi Anthony

      As with many products, different people have different needs.  I would recommend choosing a reputable distributor and getting advice from a professional.


  4. CBD oil is very beneficial for men For the past few years I have been hearing about CBD oil. CBD oil my Father is using. CBD oil is a great help to my Father personally. I totally agree with you there are a lot of CBD oils on the market. I will buy quality pure pure CBD oil very soon. I will buy CBD oil from man versus oils.
    Thanks for sharing the valuable information with CBD Oil.In fact CBD oil is very beneficial for men. Thank you man versus oils.

  5. Thanks admin for this wonderful article once again about cbd oils and this time round about their benefits for men. It has been enjoyable from its start to its end because I have got to know cbd uses to men and what has surprised me is that cbd oils also heal stress yet have been a victim of stress all along. Thanks admin for sharing with us this useful article. 

  6. I learned a lot about CBD Oil from your blog. Until recentl, I thought CBD’s use was primarily recreational and helped with some of the discomforts of cancer treatment. I only knew about cancer as I had a professor that used it to relieve the side effects of his cancer treatment. This was way back in the day and I didn’t really believe him!  I was not surprised that it relieves stress. However, the anti- inflammatory and relief from acne benefits truly threw me off.

    CBD oil for men helped reinforced my professor’s story. It also made me realize that I was mistaken
    or ill informed about the value of CBD oil.


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